Reply to: Charles Stanley
      Re: [IMail Forum] anti-virus solution on Friday 8:16:55 PM
    From: Roger Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>I must agree. We have not captured any virus just yet, but we have been
>>using the RBL antispam and just installed the AntiVirus feature. I have
>>been searching for such products ever since I deployed Imail and this is
>>a big development. It requires almost no processor time, has less open
>>doors than SMTP virus scanners and costs a fraction of the cost. I am
>>using Declude on NT4SP6A with Imail 5.x and Norton Symantec AntiVirus
>>5.x command line scanner. I may keep Imail after all.

C> Hi Roger,

C> Help me out here, if you would please.  Are you running Imail and Declude 
C> on NT server, or NT WS?

C> Thanks,

C> Charles Stanley
C> Wizardware LLC

Server. I don't know that it should make any difference. The
simplicity of this program is part of its elegance as a solution.
My machine is a 700MHz PIII with 128MB ram. I can't say I am seeing
any major processor use even with virus scanning. it slows delivery
of mail slightly but even this is usually a matter of seconds.


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