Was wondering if you had taken a look at something called SpamCannibal at
http://www.spamcannibal.org .

no, but it sounds ok

 It is something akin to the Anvil feature you
describe, but with a twist. The stated aim of the daemon on its website is,
"SpamCannibal's TCP/IP tarpit stops spam by telling the spam server to send
very small packets. SpamCannibal then causes the spam server to retry
sending over and over - ideally bringing the spam server to a virtual halt
for a long time or perhaps indefinitely."

I'm not in favor of counter-attacking with tarpitting.

postfix has several interface points in the SMTP session. a recent one is a policy/proxy service hook, where somebody could write a spamcannibal equivalent.

I AM in favor of DoSing all websites that spamvertize.

I haven't tried setting up a Postfix box for this yet, but it sounds like
fun. :-)

ask on the postfix list if anybody has setup spamcannibal as postfix policy/proxy service.


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