> >THE FEDERAL Trade Commission (FTC) has decided that people who have 
> >unwittingly had their computers turned into spam zombies should have 
> >their machines switched off from Internet access.
> "should"? what does that mean?  does the FTC have 
> enforcement/punishment in place?  or is this some kind of 
> silly "self-regulation" which we all know NEVER works.

Even I know it's not 100% legal I repeat what I've said again and again: The
only way to prevent further zombies is to use the same weapons as
viruswriters/spammers do. I still wait that there will be some "worm" that
does nothing else then replicate itself and after a short period of
re-replication prevent any (or at least partial) further access to the
internet from the infected machine.

Most zombie computers are infected with dozens, hundreds or thousands of
malware applications. This only because people before the screen is not
smart enough to use the own computer and keep it up to date. Believe me,
more then 75% of all people I know has never clicked on the small popup
right down who clearly states that updates are available. Do you know why? I
know because I've asked seeveral times: "As long as it works..." and we all
know the bad guys let it seem as good as possible that anything is still
working without any problem.

So the solution is: Let it no longer work anymore!!!
What do you think will happen if "something" on the infected and vulnerable
machine does something simple like adding google and maybe the last 10
visited websites to the local hosts file redirecting it somewhere else? 

Thus ignorant zombie users are the same as people driving with defective
cars: "As long as it..." 
...it's nothing else then a big danger and simply nerve-racking for thus
people who's keeping his machines well maintained.

I'm 100% sure such a worm in a long term will prevent way more damage then
it creates. MSBLAST was one of the best worms I've ever seen! Can you
remember that most people who's seen the shutdown-sequence now knows very
very good what's a windows update and that it's something very important to
click on and follow the instructions?


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