On 12/20/2012 3:49 PM, Brandon Williams wrote:
> Hi Wes,
> Thanks for your comments.
> It looks like I might have managed to make the use of the proposed
> option less clear, instead of more clear. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding
> the point that you're making.
> The mechanics of our system are tunnel-based, as with most overlay
> architectures that I've looked at. The tunneling starts at an overlay
> ingress machine close to one of the endpoints (i.e. the client or
> server) and ends at an overlay egress machine close to the other
> endpoint. Since the ingress and egress are on the public internet, the
> overlay does not extend all the way onto the endpoints' LANs. This means
> that standard internet routing cannot be used to drive the connections
> into the overlay. Instead, NAT is used on both sides of the overlay,
> which results in the server having no way to reliably identify the client.
> The proposed options are not intended to be used as part of the
> mechanics of the overlay. The overlay is fully functional without the
> options. Instead, the options are intended to provide the client's
> connection identifying information to the server for use in
> load-balancing, diagnostics, etc.

Ah, so are there additional devices beyond what's shown in your Figure
1?  I ask because if the overlay ingress and egress are simple tunnel
endpoints, then the endpoint addresses would be totally visible to one

Your figure 1 is:

                  |                                    |
                  |              INTERNET              |
                  |                                    |
   +-----------+  |  +------------+                    |
   |  HOST_1   |-----| OVRLY_IN_1 |-----------+        |
   +-----------+  |  +------------+           |        |
                  |                           |        |
   +-----------+  |  +------------+     +-----------+  |  +--------+
   |  HOST_2   |-----| OVRLY_IN_2 |-----| OVRLY_OUT |-----| SERVER |
   +-----------+  |  +------------+     +-----------+  |  +--------+
                  |                           |        |
   +-----------+  |  +------------+           |        |
   |  HOST_3   |-----| OVRLY_IN_3 |-----------+        |
   +-----------+  |  +------------+                    |
                  |                                    |

                                 Figure 1

If there were tunnels between the OVRLY_IN and OVERLY_OUT boxes,
then the inner IP headers would have the HOST_X and SERVER
addresses, and the outer ones in the tunnel would have the
overlay headers.  Since the inner packets would be delivered
ultimately after egressing the tunnels, the HOST_X addresses
are totally visible to the server, and vice versa.

Your document shows instead:


             ip hdr contains:               ip hdr contains:
   SENDER -> src = sender   --> OVERLAY --> src = overlay2  --> RECEIVER
             dst = overlay1                 dst = receiver


So, this is not really showing tunnels to me ... this is rewriting
(NAT) of the destination address.

Or am I misunderstanding?

Wes Eddy
MTI Systems
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