
Yes, I think it would be possible to enable preemptive authentication
but it comes at some security risk, so should never be enabled by
default. Likely we'd want to enable it at the credential level and
enforce the realm to be not set - as you can't know which realm the
server associates with the URI before it responds with a 401.

We even could create a Basic-Auth Authorization header ourselves for the
java.net.URLConnection based code.

As far as writing your own resolver goes. I must admit I'm not an expert
in Ivy's code base. I'm not even sure anybody is nowadays. The way
plugins interact is pretty

is the resolver you are using right now and almost everything happens
inside of the repository

Rather than writing a repository of your own you are probably better off
writing an URLHandler implementation which performs preemptive
authentication (see
) and set that as default.

Ivy itself creates a URLHandlerDispatcher configured to use
URLHandlerRegistry.getHttp for http and https as default in
URLHandlerRegistry - so what might work is to read the
URLHandlerDispatcher that is the default once Ivy is configured and
replace the handler for https with your own. But I must admit I'm not
sure what side effects this may have. There still are other places that
invoke URLHandlerRegistry.getHttp() directly, for example.

Come to think of it, it is probably easier to add preemptive
authentication support in HttpClientHandler and BasicURLHandler.


On 2023-03-21, Kamran Manzoor wrote:

> Hi Stefan,

> Thanks a lot for all your help here. I really appreciate it :).

> It was indeed the issue that the client doesn't do preemptive
> authentication which I wasn't aware of. I made the Beeceptor stub returns
> 401 with the www-authenticate header and then it does make a follow-up call
> with credentials.

> However, I have to download dependency using Bitbucket. Bitbucket returns
> *404* status code if the credentials are not being sent. This means that
> the client does *not* send the followup request with credentials and hence
> ivy fails to resolve the Bitbucket dependency with *NotFound* error. I
> believe the 404 response code is a layer of security from the Bitbucket
> side in order to avoid things like bruteforce/account locking. I
> believe this would be the case for other systems as well like Github.
> Therefore, I was thinking maybe you could consider putting a preemptive
> authentication option in apache-ivy?. Http-client does provide this option:
> https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-4.5.x/current/tutorial/html/authentication.html#d5e717

> For now, I may look into creating a custom resolver for resolving
> dependency from Bitbucket. If you have any pointers to any example of
> custom resolvers, then please do share otherwise i may ask ChatGPT to help
> here :D

> Thanks again for all your help and time.

> Kind Regards,
> Kamran Manzoor

> On 2023/03/20 21:32:12 Stefan Bodewig wrote:
>> On 2023-03-20, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

>>> On 2023-03-20, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

>>>> Hi

>>>> On 2023-03-20, Kamran Manzoor wrote:

>>>>> Thanks a lot for looking into this. I thought the issue was request
> related
>>>>> but it is in response handling. It means it does trigger the request
> which
>>>>> I have verified and it seems like the auth header is missing :(. I
> have
>>>>> tried with default URL handler and even with older ivy version 2.4.0
> with
>>>>> older commons-httpclient. Nothing seems to send the auth header with
>>>>> credentials :(. You may simply run this example i.e., *ant -verbose
>>>>> retrieve* and see the request captured here:
>>>>> *https://beeceptor.com/console/ivytry
>>>>> <https://beeceptor.com/console/ivytry> *

>>>> I believe this is because your service there doesn't require any
>>>> authentcation at all. Apache HttpClient doesn't do preemptive
>>>> authentication, it only sends credentials when really necessary. This
> is
>>>> understandable from a security perspective. Why send credentials to
>>>> somebody who never wanted them in the first place.

>>>> So it performs an HTTP GET without any credentials and if this request
>>>> succeeds, that's it. And this happens with your beeceptor example.

>>>> You probably need to make beeceptor return 401 on the first request
>>>> answering with

>>>> WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=Basic

>>>> or the configured credentials are not going to be ever used.

>>> Taking a closer look at Ivy's code, your credentials' configuration must
>>> exactly match what is returned by the server. So you should probably
>>> perform an curl unauthenticated request (or whatever HTTP client you
>>> prefer) and examine the response headers of the 401 response to know
>>> which realm and host to set. Leaving off the optional realm in
>>> <credentials> is only going to match WWW-Authenticate headers without
>>> any "realm" at all.

>> One final thing, I just found

> https://developer.atlassian.com/server/bitbucket/how-tos/example-basic-authentication/

>> Take a look at the last paragraph. Iyv is a "http client software [that]
>> expects to receive an authentication challenge before it will send an
>> authorization header" - and currently there is no way to enforce
>> authentication.

>> At least this is true when using Apache HttpClient. I haven't checked
>> whether java.net.URLConnection ever consults the configured
>> Authenticator - but wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't do so by default
>> either.

>> Stefan

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