Hi Linus

On 2023-04-13, LINUS FERNANDES wrote:

> There is a problem downloading the dependencies for Saxon-HE from Maven
> using Ivy.
> The xmlresolver-5.1.1.jar does not download but it's classified jar
> xmlresolver-data-5.1.1.jar does.  Both jars are listed as dependencies in
> the pom for Saxon-HE.

> You can read about it in more detail on the following thread:

> https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle/issues/12969

> You can execute an ant build for the same at :

> https://github.com/Fernal73/CheckStyleSample/

Yes, I can see what you describe when running "ant resolve" on your
example build file - this is what the ivy.xml created from Saxon-HE's
POM says:

<dependency org="org.xmlresolver" name="xmlresolver" rev="5.1.1" force="true" 
        <artifact name="xmlresolver" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="compile" 

so there is only one artifact in here. If I add a second artifact
manually (without classifier) the "normal" jar is downloaded and copied
from the cache as well.

I believe there is a bug in PomModuleDescriptoBuilder that assumes it is
just looking at the same dependency twice as it doesn't take the
classifier into account.

I've opened https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IVY-1642

Thank you


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