On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:22 AM, jonathan doklovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm not sure I'm a fan of the build instructions though. It seems that
> pulling artifacts from the creators websites has some problems. Off the
> top of my head...  it could add a lot of time to resolve since a lot of
> OS sites are slow. (including sourceforge).  Also, as time goes by,
> sites have a tendency to archive artifacts and sometimes even remove
> them altogether, which would then in turn break the build instructions
> in either case.  Just seems like it might be more maintenance than it's
> worth.
My thinking is that generally you'd try to avoid "building". Instead, use
Ivy's cache, and/or the builder resolver's resource cache. So if the
download is slow, at least it's only slow the first time... this helps but
doesn't eliminate the problem.

As for the problem of the original distributions disappearing, that is also
a valid point. It can be treated as an orthogonal problem however. For
example, there's no reason the build instructions can't point to resources
hosted on some "permanent mirror" site set up just for that purpose, instead
of the original projects' site, etc. Perhaps that can be a follow-on project
to this one to add robustness.

A way to address both of your comments would be to allow configuration of a
"resource URL override" pattern: when configured, the resource URLs in the
build instructions would be ignored, and instead all resources would be
downloaded using the override URL pattern to create the URL. Then you could
keep your own private mirror. Hmm, that should be easy to add.

Thanks for the comments.


Archie L. Cobbs

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