On Apr 18, 2006, at 2:20 AM, Dean Hoover wrote:

I have developed some simple programs in java form creating lucene indexes and then using them to search. I now have an interest in using perl to use the indexes for search purposes, but am having trouble doing even the simplest thing using Plucene and Plucene::Simple.

Plucene and Lucene do not use the same index format. It's very difficult to implement the Lucene format using Perl. KinoSearch 0.05 managed it if your source material was pure ASCII, but I changed the format in 0.06 and they're no longer compatible.

Things will get a lot easier if this change is made: <http:// issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-510>.

If anyone here can help, I would appreciate it. After googling and attempting to use Plucene directly, it appeared that it would be better to use Plucene::Simple.

Plucene::Simple is just a wrapper -- it won't help.

Plucene can of course read and write its own indexes, but if you are considering doing that, you should also be aware that it is quite slow: <http://www.rectangular.com/kinosearch/benchmarks.html>.


Marvin Humphrey
Rectangular Research

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