Hi all,

Fairly often (~50% of the time), when I push a feature branch up to
GH, my multibranch configuration job will get the notification, poll
GH, then bomb with:

Checking pull request #PR-47
    Not mergeable, skipping

Even though the branch is mergable. If I force a build manually, it bombs with:

ERROR: Could not determine exact tip revision of PR-47; falling back
to nondeterministic checkout
java.io.IOException: Cannot retrieve Git metadata for the build

This happens until I repeatedly force the branch indexing. Eventually
something clicks over, and jenkins is aware of the proper commit.

Now, I've seen JENKINS-34120, but this appears to be different. The
commit is mergeable against master (I'm the only one commiting to
master currently, no rebases of the feature branch, etc..), and
there's no other status tests that would be keeping it from building.
It seems like the actual commit notification is getting scrambled.

Has anyone else seen this?

Andrew Melo

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