Hello All,

I know that this may sound totally absurd but I am trying to achieve an
asynchronous mechanism between my 2 APIs - GET and POST. A quick lookup as
follows in the image -


   1. Python client script calls a GET getObject() API available with Java
   server with 2 params - bucket name and object key
   2. Jetty server performs gets the real object from my custom S3 object
   server (on-prem)
   3. Jetty server also gets the lambda function name that is available in
   a Redis instance for the bucket name
   4. Jetty server now forwards the request to a Python Flask server which
   has the lambda function by passing object data to it
   5. Lambda function code perform the transformation on the object and
   POST it back to Jetty server (which is a different API called
   6. WriteGetObjectResponse should now send response to the original
   caller (python client) where I am stuck at

Basically, I am trying to develop my own S3 Object Lambda and reproduce
what AWS has done using a simpler way.

I am not sure if this is the right approach but AWS does this in the exact
same way where s3.getObject() get the reply from
s3.writeGetObjectResponse(). To make this work, I am trying to find
something using which I would be able to map the request with some unique
identifier and as soon as I get transformed data back in
writeGetObjectResponse(), my jetty server will send the response back to
the original client. I tried using getSession().getId() but seems like that
is null for httpservletrequest.

Any idea how can I identify each GET request with unique identifier? And
also can I reply to a request the way I am willing to do? Please help.

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