On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 5:43 PM Shawn Heisey <ecli...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 6/1/23 15:45, Jesse McConnell wrote:
> > Your best bet would be to do at Greg said and capture the actual request
> > failing on the wire using wireshark or tcpdump, or get a
> > HttpChannel.Listener[1] set up in the server so you can see what is
> > happening there.
> I do not have access to the private key for the TLS certificate.
> Even if I did, I have found that Wireshark cannot decrypt HTTPS if a
> modern cipher is being used.  Solr 9 requires at least Java 11, and that
> is the version being used.  I would expect Java 11, Jetty Server 9, and
> Jetty client 10 to be utilizing a modern cipher.  Browser connections to
> Solr are using TLS 1.2 with the cipher named

This has been possible in Wireshark since 2016 and its support for
You'll need this from either the User Agent (Browser / HttpClient) or the
Server for success.

Unfortunately Java doesn't export this file by default.
The output from `javax.net.debug` has the information, but not in the
correct SSLKEYLOGFILE format that Wireshark needs.
You can, instead, use a Java Agent (on the client side) to export this
information automatically for you.
See https://github.com/neykov/extract-tls-secrets

- Joakim
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