Can you swap in another httpclient to test? I assume swapping jetty
server would be too much, given something works. :-) 

>From faster result on smaller batch size: are you monitoring memory use?
I'd try even smaller, looking at the perf profile for clues. 



On 2023-05-31 16:30, Shawn Heisey wrote:

> On 5/31/23 02:50, Bill Ross wrote: 
>> Minimal relevant experience here, but lots of debugging, and since you're 
>> stuck:
>> Is this failing only on the last request of a series of any length?
> It's failing in the middle of a run.  My program grabs results from one Solr 
> cluster and indexes them into another Solr cluster.  30.2 million documents 
> total, it's failing after about 20-25 million docs.
> I broke up the migration into six smaller chunks that are all run separately 
> (the biggest of which is 9.3 million docs) and now it completes with no 
> problem.
> I did not see any usable error messages in the Solr server logs.
> The documents are indexed in batches of 1000 docs, so it's just slightly 
> north of 30000 total requests for the full run.
> The way the program works is that I have a query thread querying the source 
> cluster and pushing the documents one by one onto a queue.  Then the indexing 
> threads pull documents off the queue, organize them into batches, and send 
> the batches to the target cluster.
> It's being done with SolrJ -- the Java Solr client.  The specfic clients I am 
> using utilize the Jetty httpclient, version 10.0.13.
> The Solr servers are running a slightly older release that fires up Jetty 
> 9.4.48 to start the Solr webapp.
> There is a Solr upgrade available that upgrades the Jetty server to 10.0.13, 
> but the client is resisting an upgrade.
> At least I found a way to get the work done by breaking it into six smaller 
> runs instead of doing the whole job at once.  Big bonus ... it also runs 
> about three times as fast for some reason.  I don't know why, but I'll take 
> it!
> I'm trying to find out whether the problem is in Jetty (client or server), 
> SolrJ, the Solr servers, or my usage.  The particulars make me think its 
> something in Jetty, but that could be completely wrong.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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