any server side language.

fr0st003 wrote:
So what I could do is use something like PHP, to pull images from the folder
place them into a array, use the math function to pull something at random
then use Javascript to style the information. Would this be possible to do
with Python? I have some experience with Python. And or Ruby?

craig.kaminsky wrote:
BlueSky is correct. JavaScript that runs in the browser does not have
access to either a local or server-based file system. For that you
need either: (1) a classic server-side programming language (ala
BlueSky's notes for PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, etc.) or (2) a site that
runs the Jaxer server from Aptana, which is an open-source server
running JavaScript on the server. Outside of those two sets of
options, you would not be able to pull images dynamically from a
folder (or database or XML file, etc.). You can, however, use jQuery
to create the previews as you mentioned...once you get you images
pulled that is!

Do you know what server-side technologies your web host provides? I'm
sure I (or someone on the list :) could offer some assistance in the
type of server-side script you'd need to extract all the files or
images in a directory.

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