On 2/12/2012 7:20 PM, Ross Moore wrote:
Hello Nasser,

On 12/02/2012, at 9:56 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:

When I run this:


\begin{tabular}{|l | }
$f(x) = x^3 d$\\

It works. Expected output. Verbatim displays 'test' and
the math fine.

Are you sure this is really all that is happening?

Hell Ross;

I am not sure I understand. Can you please elaborate?

I put the screen shot here:


Other than the gray background (that is a separate issue, need
to resolve), it seems to have worked, in the sense that I do
see that math equation and I see the verbatim.

But just a couple of things that might help.



This does NOT work. I just tried it.


latex2html t.tex

produces an empty web page. no 'test' text in it. I always had
problems getting \verb to work like this, that is what I
use \begin{verbstim} and \end{verbatim}. Does the above
work on your end? i.e generate 'test' in the HTML?

Can you run your failing job with  -debug   within a directory
that can be accessed across the web, and save the console messages
into a file. Make this directory and its siblings listable, and send me
the URL. I can then try to get an idea of what is going wrong, by
studying the temporary files that normally get deleted.

Sure, I am working now to generate these things you wanted,
and will make new page and summarize these issues.

Please give couple of 2 hrs will be done and will give
a link.

thanks for your help.

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