On 2/12/2012 7:20 PM, Ross Moore wrote:

Can you run your failing job with  -debug   within a directory
that can be accessed across the web, and save the console messages
into a file. Make this directory and its siblings listable, and send me
the URL. I can then try to get an idea of what is going wrong, by
studying the temporary files that normally get deleted.

Here it is


Please let me know if you need more information. ZIP file
of the whole folder is there, as well as screen output of
the commands and the tex file and HTML output and
version information.

Thanks for your time and help.


couple of days ago, I modifed before the file versions/html4_0.pl replacing

   if ( $frames || $rules ) { $border = " BORDER=\"1\""; };


   if ( $TBLADDOPT ) { $border = " $TBLADDOPT"; }
   elsif ( $frames || $rules ) { $border = " BORDER=\"1\""; }

but this _should_ not be relevent here. Just thought to mention it
just in case.

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