Hi Marco

thank you for the feedback

Am 26.03.2016 um 12:09 schrieb Mark Berndt:
> Hello,  I'm on 5.2.4 rev 1 and trying to use the upgrade script.
> I have tried both the busybox wget and also the wget.lrp package, both fail.  
> Here is the output of the upgrade with wget from wget.lrp:

Sourceforge has moved to https (for some URL's) so your 5.2.4-rc1 wget
might not support it. In any case, sourceforge will redirect to https.

> firewall# cat /etc/issue
> Linux 4.1.16-i686 #1 SMP Thu Feb 4 18:41:25 CET 2016
> LEAF Bering-uClibc 5.2.4 Rev 1 uClibc  \n \l
> firewall# upgrade -c -v --latest
> aborting: retrieve 
> http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/latest
> upgrade: abort retrieve 
> http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/latest

Could you use -vvv to have more debug output. Sourceforge appears to
have heavy hickups lately, possibly caused by DDOS. This may be another
reason for the errors you see.

For diagnostics try to open leaf.sourceforge.net in a browser,

> If I make a shorewall rule for 
> HTTP(ACCEPT)  fw  net 

This should not be necessary, as upgrade is opening the the same
connection temporarily.

> firewall# upgrade -c -v
> aborting: wget error code 0
> upgrade: abort wget error code 0

So basically, it you are using wget from busybox, you need openssl
installed. I am not sure if wget from 5.2.4-rc1 supports https :-(

> Also, the upgrade.cgi was not marked as executable.

Mhhh... need to verify



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