Hi Mark

Am 27.03.2016 um 06:13 schrieb Mark Berndt:
No luck with the web interface,
running ugrgrade from the command line shows:

firewall# upgrade -vvv -c
upgrade: opening ports 80 and 443 for upgrade
upgrade: Installed version is 5.2.5-rc2
upgrade: retrieve 
upgrade: retrieve
http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable, wget returned 1
upgrade: retrieve
http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable, wget returned 1
upgrade: retrieve
http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable, wget returned 1
upgrade: retrieve
http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable, wget returned 1
upgrade: retrieve
http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable, wget returned 1
aborting: retrieve
http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable, wget returned 1
upgrade: abort retrieve
http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable, wget returned 1
upgrade: cleaning up
upgrade: restoring firewall

wget fails:

firewall# wget http://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable
Connecting to sourceforge.net (
wget: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused

This is due to firewall rules, within uprade, these should be modified.
The failure stems probably from a wget version not supporting https.

wget with https succeeds:

firewall# wget https://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci/master/tree/stable[2]
Connecting to sourceforge.net (
stable               100% |
19293   0:00:00 ETA

changing the LEAFURL_STUB=https://sourceforge.net/p/leaf/packages/ci
in /usr/sbin/upgrade solves the problem:

It looks like sourceforg dropped the redirect support.

firewall# upgrade -vvv -c
upgrade: opening ports 80 and 443 for upgrade
upgrade: Installed version is 5.2.5-rc2
upgrade: retrieve
upgrade: stable version is 5.2.4
upgrade: check_remote
upgrade: retrieve
upgrade: stable version is 5.2.4
upgrade: retrieve
upgrade: fetched sha1sum.list from LEAF repository
upgrade: cleaning up
upgrade: restoring firewall
upgrade: upgrade terminated successfully

OK so the upgrade version in 5.2.5-rc2 handles the situation correctly. The situation with sourceforge is really annoying. I have not seen any announcement for the current behaviour. When I started to write upgrade everything worke fine using httdp then about five months ago I saw that some, not all, requests were redirected. Now it appears that http is not supported anymore.



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