Thanks John,

I modified the operator() and it works now:

AugmentSparsityToDense::operator()(const MeshBase::const_element_iterator &
                                   const MeshBase::const_element_iterator &
                                   processor_id_type p,
                                   map_type & coupled_elements)
  const CouplingMatrix * const null_mat = nullptr;
  for (const auto & elem : as_range(range_begin, range_end))
    coupled_elements.emplace(elem, null_mat);
    for (const auto & elem_remote : _mesh.active_element_ptr_range())
      coupled_elements.emplace(elem_remote, null_mat);

I originally thought the range_begin and range_end are for all active
elements, but it turns out that (at least in my use case for debugging) the
range_begin and range_end is giving me one element at a time.
Therefore I have to explicitly loop over all the active elements to attach
the coupling matrix. I think the documentation on the operator() needs to
be improved unless I missed something there.

Now it works and it is indeed much faster compared to when I had "*total
number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls != 0*".

Regarding the dense matrix -- I am happy to submit a PR but I need time to
go through the source code (today is my third day using libMesh).
I am not trying to implement a fast multipole method. I am just assemblying
a Galerkin projection of a Fredholm Integral Equation for spatial
I only need to factorize the covariance matrix once and for all, so I can
live with the N^2 assembly time.
I am aware of some of the multigrid methods in literature, but I don't
really want to deal with the accuracy issues that those methods bring to me.


On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 9:11 AM John Peterson <> wrote:

> On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 5:12 PM Gary Hu <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am new to libMesh. I am trying to solve a generalized eigen-value
>> problem
>> for an integral equation. I tried example "Solving a generalized Eigen
>> Problem" and it works fine.
>> Next, I modified the assembly routine to have a skeleton like this:
>> for (const auto & elem : mesh.active_local_element_ptr_range())
>>     for (const auto & elem_remote : mesh.active_element_ptr_range())
>> So basically for each local element, I am looping over all the active
>> elements (local and nonlocal) to assemble the integral equation. I am
>> pretty confident that I used fe->reinit and other housekeeping stuff
>> properly.
> It sounds like you are trying to build a dense matrix... in such a case
> all the extra "bookkeeping" indices etc. that are required for sparse
> matrices is not required, so this approach won't scale well. I think you
> may want to look into building a dense matrix for your method, e.g.
> MatCreateDense in PETSc [0]. We don't have C++ interfaces for MatDense in
> libMesh yet since our main focus is FEA but it's something I think we'd
> definitely like to have a PR adding. Regarding your original question, I
> don't see anything obviously wrong with the GhostingFunctor approach you
> are taking, so it may just be a coding bug that's causing it to not work.
> I'd start by adding print statements to check whether it's actually being
> called and what elements are being added to coupled_elements. I don't know
> how much time you want to spend debugging this approach though, because
> even if it works I fear it is going to be incredibly slow, not only due to
> the storing-dense-matrix-in-sparse-format issue, but also because of the
> N^2 assembly loop you've proposed above... perhaps there is an existing way
> to speed up whatever you are doing (fast multipole method?) which you
> should look into first.
> [0]:
> --
> John

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