On Mon, 25 May 2020, Li Luo wrote:

For a multicomponent system, such as Navier-Stokes equations, I found that
the ordering of unknowns in the system depends on the order of polynomials
used for the variables. Take a two-component system with variables u and p
for example:
  -If using first order for both variables, the ordering is point by
point, that is u_1, p_1, u_2, p_2, ...., u_n, p_n.
  -If using second order for u and first order for p, the ordering is
field by field, i.e., all the unknowns of u are ordered first then followed
by all the unknowns of p.

For the second case, is there any way to change to a point by point
ordering? Though in such case there is no unknown of p on the mid-edge

Try setting --node-major-dofs on the command line.  It should give you
a point by point ordering, though as you say there's no way in that
case for the number of variables to be *identical* on each point.

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