On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 8:47 AM 강다영 <dydy1...@pusan.ac.kr> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you for all your information and suggestions.
> You're right that I was using a LAPACK-based solver.
> As you recommended, I first tried to use another solver other than LAPACK,
> and I ended up with a convergence error in SCM.
> So second, I performed a mesh convergence study to see if further
> reduction in the DOF (degree of freedom) is possible.
> As a result, I can get a model with a DOF of 36426, far less than the
> maximum DOF available in LAPACK (46340).
> By this, I finally avoided the overflow error.
> But the thing is, the new error occurred, and the error message is
> ambiguous this time.
> The exact error message is:
> killed

Depending on your OS, you may be able to figure out exactly why the process
was killed, but my guess is that you are now exceeding the available memory
on your system. For 36426 DOFs, you are trying to construct a single array
of approximately

echo "36426 * 36426 * 8 / 1024^3" | bc -l

Gigabytes in size, assuming double precision floating point values. Note
that, even if you have more RAM than this available on your system, it is
possible that there is no "contiguous" chunk of memory of this size
available, which is required when allocating arrays.


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