One extra comment from me is that I think you and John diagnosed the
initial issue correctly, it is that you are using LAPACK for the SCM
eigenproblems, and that uses dense matrices. As a result it doesn't scale
well to larger problems.

I recall that I set LAPACK as the default for SCM because I had a lot of
trouble getting convergence with sparse eigensolvers like SLEPc for this
case, I think the SCM eigenproblem is a difficult one to get convergence
for. But I think the "real" fix here would be to get SLEPc to converge
well, but I think that may not be easy to do (at least I wasn't able to do
it reliably when I worked on this originally).


On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 10:25 AM John Peterson <> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 8:47 AM 강다영 <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for all your information and suggestions.
>> You're right that I was using a LAPACK-based solver.
>> As you recommended, I first tried to use another solver other than
>> LAPACK, and I ended up with a convergence error in SCM.
>> So second, I performed a mesh convergence study to see if further
>> reduction in the DOF (degree of freedom) is possible.
>> As a result, I can get a model with a DOF of 36426, far less than the
>> maximum DOF available in LAPACK (46340).
>> By this, I finally avoided the overflow error.
>> But the thing is, the new error occurred, and the error message is
>> ambiguous this time.
>> The exact error message is:
>> killed
> Depending on your OS, you may be able to figure out exactly why the
> process was killed, but my guess is that you are now exceeding the
> available memory on your system. For 36426 DOFs, you are trying to
> construct a single array of approximately
> echo "36426 * 36426 * 8 / 1024^3" | bc -l
> 9.88582876324653625488
> Gigabytes in size, assuming double precision floating point values. Note
> that, even if you have more RAM than this available on your system, it is
> possible that there is no "contiguous" chunk of memory of this size
> available, which is required when allocating arrays.
> --
> John

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