On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Martin Ellis <ellis....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering why lift markup uses XML elements to reference
> snippets, rather than using namespaced attributes in the way that (I
> think) Wicket and Tapestry do?  Or like Plone's TAL, which is the
> first place I saw such a thing.
> The reason I ask is this: I'm sure I've read somewhere that David P
> has used these frameworks before (the Java ones, at least)... so it
> seems most unlikely that such a design was never considered.  Perhaps
> it was just an arbitrary choice?  Or was there something more to it
> than that?
> I hope this question doesn't sound like criticism - I'm just curious. :o)

You can use both.  <b lift:bar="hello" /> will invoke the bar snippet.

> Martin
> >

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