My 2 cents if I may ...

Although I love this list and this is the official Lift list and
support I think it is important to also have other wiki's, forums etc.
out there. Personally I don't see this as a community split. More and
more people are becoming pretty knowledgeable with Lift & Scala
sharing information about Lift on other channels ... is nothing wrong
with that .. .quite the opposite. In fact this may take some of the
load on this list as community grows.

Would be nice though to have a central place where all other wiki's/
forums can be found. For instance serious forums/wikis could be
references from lift web-site or even fromthis list in the header


On Aug 30, 8:37 am, Naftoli Gugenheim <> wrote:
> The lift community is not huge. It's David Pollak's brainchild, and I don't 
> see how you can discuss creating a forum (after the fact) without his okaying 
> it. How can you compare it to an IRC? A forum fills much of the same purpose 
> as the list, much more than IRC.
> Some of the advantages mentioned are better solved by a Wiki. (Your 
> volunteering to help with it is much appreciated.)
> Searchability - sounds like a bug on Google's part, no? Is there a Group for 
> discussing Google Groups? In any case, it's addressed by services like 
> MarkMail. Isn't Nabbles searchable?
> Duplicate questions - forums don't completely solve this. Searchability would 
> help, as will the Wiki as it grows.
> Stickies - Google Groups doesn't allow stickies?
> Syntax highlighting/formatting; organization - the way I see it, you can draw 
> a continuum with IRC being the most transient and a Wiki etc. the most 
> permanent, with a mailing list, a Google Groups mailng list, and a forum 
> falling in between, in increasing order of permanence/organizability. As you 
> go from left to right you get more of these features, but a forum is still 
> less than a Wiki. On the other hand as you go right to left you get more 
> "dynamic"/on the fly--you just write a question without worrying about 
> organization or formatting.
> Does that make sense?
> -------------------------------------
> Xavi Ramirez<> wrote:
> I applaud Artem's initiative!
> The mailing list has undoubtedly been an extremely helpful resource.
> That said, a mailing lists in general have several short comings:
> - Hard to search through
> - Many duplicate questions
> - No stickies
> - No syntax highlighting and few formatting options
> - Little to no message organization
> - Few moderation tools
> A forum could be a nice way to address these issues, so it might be
> worth a try.  Also I think introducing a forum is anymore likely to
> splinter than an IRC chat room.
> Just my two cents.
> -Xavi
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Timothy Perrett<> 
> wrote:
> > Agreed (and +1) - Personally I actually prefer mailing lists full stop
> > because it involves no web site trawling to get to the topics one is
> > after...
> > Cheers, Tim
> > On 30/08/2009 01:20, "TylerWeir" <> wrote:
> >> I'm not really sure how splintering the community is going to help.
> >> I feel the google group has been fine.
> >> On Aug 29, 6:59 pm, Artem <> wrote:
> >>> Hey!
> >>> I stumbled on Lift a couple weeks ago and have been messing around
> >>> with it a lot!  I am a Ruby on Rails programmer and it seems like Ruby
> >>> is doing a fine job serving the web programmers community.  Recently,
> >>> I read an article about Twitter running RoR and it crashing after a
> >>> while.  They decided to switch to Scala because it's scalable unlike
> >>> Ruby.  I am planning on developing a large website that will require
> >>> lots of CPU/Database usage and I was wondering if Scala/Lift is the
> >>> way to do it?
> >>> I'm not a fan of Google Groups, they are not very user friendly, so I
> >>> created a forum specially for Lift developers that like to discuss
> >>> topics about the Scala/Lift programming language.  If you want to help
> >>> start the forum and post a couple topics I would greatly appreciate
> >>> it.  The link is  It's a new forum so there
> >>> isn't much content on it yet.
> >>> Thanks.
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