The site that lists 15 long-term contracts (half of them 100% 
renewable sources, the others 51% renewable) currently being offered to 
Massachusetts residential customers by various alternative electricity 
suppliers gives some useful context about electricity prices. 

Compared to the 17.815 cents per killowatt hour being charged by Eversource 
through the end of 2022 and an unknown rate thereafter, the 15 other suppliers 
would lock in a higher fixed price for a longer term. The prices range from 
approximately 19 cents up to 28.1 cents and the termination dates range from 
October 2023 to October 2025. If Eversource were to receive approval for a 60% 
increase for the first half of 2023, their price would then be approximately 
28.5 cents for those six months, and unknown prices thereafter.

The other offered prices, which fluctuate as time goes by, reflect the 
suppliers’ expectations about future conditions in the market price of 
electricity and, of course, right now those expectations, by knowledgeable 
market participants who are risking their own money when offering fixed-price 
contracts, are varying....a lot!

Still, these offered prices provide some perspective on prices in the short 

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