It’s also worth noting that the town of Holden isn’t being sued by the
state. It’s a third party- the central Massachusetts housing alliance, a
Holden property owner and a low income homeless mother who claims their
noncompliance is reducing her chance of finding a home (I don’t think she
read the 10% rule, either…)

The lawsuit itself and the response from Holden are worth reading, and IMO
it’s likely to be dismissed as soon as a judge reads it (they just had a
change of counsel due to a conflict of interest). In the very least we
should see how it plays out before being scared about an impending lawsuit…

Sarah Postlethwait

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 11:18 AM Sara Mattes <> wrote:

> Yes, we are only allowed to require UP TO 10%.
> The exception would be a prospective developer approving an economic
> analysis that proved the 15% usually required by Lincoln be profitable.
> And what do we think the chance of that is?
> I agree with your analysis-this act is a wolf in sheep’s clothing…couched
> as eco- friendly “transit oriented development” while it includes towns
> with NO public transit (adjacent communities), and a addressing a housing
> crisis while limiting the amount of affordable housing.
> All this, brought to you by the former Governors and a legislature
> unwilling to address a real crisis - a failed public transit system.
> I am interested to see the law suit in Holden plays out.
> The firm of our own Town Counsel is defending Holden.
> The AG has NOT issued a legal ruling, but rather issued a statement,
> threatening towns.
> So far, there has been no follow-up following her press conference over 6
> months ago.
> This is an ever-evolving story and why I keep asking- “Why rush?”
> Slow, thoughtful, deliberate has made us leaders and models  in both land
> conservation and affordable housing.
> Let’s keep on keeping on.
> ------
> Sara Mattes
> On Oct 11, 2023, at 10:40 AM, Colleen Katsuki <>
> wrote:
> Do I understand correctly that the new sate law requires new buildings
> under this new law to have only 10% or less affordable housing? Why is
> that?  Why can we not have 25% as in Oriole landing? The cynic in me
> suggests that this is a sop to the developers, not any real intent to have
> more affordable housing.
> Colleen Katsuki
> Concord Road
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