[To those who may have tuned to Al Jazeera this morning (either online or
streamed on TV): I did not spot Shaina during the 8 to 9 hour and just
quickly scanned the 9 to 10 hour and didn’t see any video that featured her,
either. Apologies for this “false alert”]


Please note that I absolutely do not want to bring the Israel-Gaza war into
Lincoln Talk! And I hope that no one else does, either! LincolnTalk is not
the place for discussion or activism on this issue, and there are plenty of
other venues where people can engage on this catastrophe.


As we’ve learned in the past few days, when dealing with a war, when dealing
with communications difficulties, and when dealing with unscheduled breaking
events, scheduled media appearances become more like proposals than
commitments, because they are subject to change without notice.
Consequently, we’re going to stop posting information about “Shaina will be
in the media”—which too often had a plot line more like “The Boy Who Cried


That said,  Barbara and I are proud of our daughter and because so many
people on LincolnTalk know her, we’re willing to share with the community
what is really a local story about a woman who grew up here.


On some occasions, the media will provide a link to a radio or TV broadcast
they’ve already aired, and when then happens we can post that link to
LincolnTalk—as I did the other day for Shaina’s appearance on Channel 25 or
earlier today for Shaina’s appearance on the BBC yesterday.


For those interested in supplementing mainstream American media coverage of
the war:


*       Try Al Jazeera English—available online
(https://www.aljazeera.com/), or free using a Roku device and possibly other
streaming platforms. 


*       Democracy Now (https://www.democracynow.org/)


*       Haaretz, an English Language Israeli newspaper that’s online


Haaretz is an excellent resource, but most of its content is behind a
paywall. Several years ago, our GRALTA Foundation negotiated an arrangement
that permits us to post links to stories we select that penetrate the
paywall to a page on our website (www.gralta.org/news
<http://www.gralta.org/news> ). You can check that out. (FYI, Haaretz is
non-profit, and we make substantial contributions to support it.)


I’ve been posting links to Haaretz stories a few times/week, and when I do I
send an email to my “Haaretz list.” If anyone would like to be added to that
list, please let me know. And if you tire of getting those emails, let me
know that, too—I’ll take you off the list.


As many know, Barbara, Shaina, and I have been concerned about “The Holy
Land Problem” for many years. Barbara or I would be happy to talk with
anyone about our views, and we have considerable information that we can
offer. We would be especially interested in connecting with the local
churches (St. Joseph’s, St Anne’s, and First Parish). It’s long amazed us
that they seem to have so little interest in The Holy Land Problem,
considering the impact it’s had on the Christian community, which has slowly
been driven out of Bethlehem and marginalized within Israel.


Steve Low


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