On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Vidiot wrote:
> >> Is there an easy way to identify the version of the board without taking 
> >> board out?
> >
> >yes. it's called a mirror. use it to look at the lower part of the ISA
> >slot. there is a sticker. if it annoiunces v1.0 you're all set. if you
> >have v1.1 you may be having an incorrect board. however, it's easy to be
> >changed if you know how to handle a soldering iron.
> There isn't much space between the ISA connector and the chassis, making it
> difficult to even do that.

Indeed.  An easier way is to go into the BIOS setup.. go to the place where you 
can see the VTT voltage (and other voltage settings).  The VTT should be around 
1.5.  It will fluctuate a little. If it's between 1.48 and 1.52 (which is what 
I see on my rev 1.0 mobo), you're all good.  If you see it drop to like 1.42 a 
bunch, you have the bad one.

> Using a soldering iron and all that goes along with it is not a problem.
> What is missing from this information is the location of the cap and what
> it is really supposed to be.  Is that info available somewhere?


This also tells you how to identify the bogus voltage regulator.

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