At this (Thu, May 13, 1999 at 12:24:05AM +0200) day, Ze'ev Maor wrote:
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: Guy Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 11:07 PM
| Subject: Re: Zombit
| >
| > Don't forget to show Linuxs more server type services:
| > IP-maqsurading (astablishing NAT for windows machins), ofcource http, dns,
| nntp and other internet protocols.
| > It's abileties to handle tcp/ip, it's resistent against DoS attacs,
| security featurs, logging capablities,
| > crypto file system/crypto ip/udp (cfs/tcfs/cipe), Its firewalls
| (ipfwadm/ipchains) etc etc etc.
| > Basicly show how linux can handle and solve compenies problems with
| initial low cost expence
| > and fairly easy maintnence.
| What part of "I only have 3 minutes..." didn't you understand????

The part that i took me less then a minute to type this.

In my opinion in the next 3-5 year linux is not going to enter 
meny corporate workstations due to lack of software, also home workstations
where users love to play there favorite windows-suitable games (don't flame me for 
this :)), but rather
going to populate conpenies badgets, as trusted service provider. The services 
mentioned below. so show kde/gnome, thats fine. but use the rest of the
2 minuts 55 seconds to explain why it is a good coise to small-medium compenies.



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