On Mon, 9 May 2005, Ira Abramov wrote:


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ tar zcf - directory |md5sum
484497aa0d7e1bb391a73cc8b42acce2  -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ tar zcf - directory |md5sum
552bbc02b0b2b5b142a425d476f0d5c0  -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ tar zcf - directory |md5sum
792afdaf2be839dfccc1c91dfd4f726b  -

gzip stores the date & time of the uncompressed file, which is made at a different time by tar, for each run. man gzip options -l && --verbose.

bzip2 does not store such a date anywhere, thus it is not affected.


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