On Fri, 20 May 2005, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:

Few years ago, Bezeq was forced by the Knesset to give special rates to people who make few calls per month. This came after Bezeq raised the basic phone line charge and lowered the per-second charge - a step that is good for large companies and rich teenagers and bad for poor old people with few relatives.

Nice, but I used to use that line only for incoming calls and internet. Internet calls were billed as such. (l'internet appears in the nezeq bill next to the relevant portion of the bill).

Anyway, according to fine print, the few-calls discount is void if you buy ADSL. The logic is that if you do that, you must be rich and not worthy of the discount. I have no idea why, but Bezeq's salespersons forget to emphasize this fact when they sell you faster Internet connection.

The nezeq salespersons who sell you adsl and the people who run the billing and the actual phone exchange are not the same people. This is since nezeq was split into pieces.

I'm not sure this is your case; Call Bezeq to make sure.

I did. They told me to pay up and send a complaint letter (i.e. I'm scr***). I already paid the bill. Now the clock is running because I suppose that one can appeal it only for so long after the fact

Let me restate the problem:

- I switched to dsl in the middle of a billing period (after the 1st of a 2 month billing period)

- When I switched I went to the nezeq shop on Ibn Gvirol, paid my bill then and there (the phone had been disconnected because I was late - long story). They reconnected the phone.

- The next bill was for ONE month billing period (not two) but the call time and call count was like for TWO months. The numbers are almost exactly right, as if nezeq had fubar'd their billing software due to my paying up at the middle of the month, i.e. billing period stated as one month but billed items summed for two months

- My estimate is that I should pay about NIS380 instead of NIS600 for this bill. That's about 50% off before taxes and fixed costs (line + equipment rent etc). This is not my idea of a 'small mistake'

- I have full logs for call count and call duration, for each call over a month, both my own and my isp's

My question was, has anyone had success appealing an obscene bill (or have they tried at all), before I commit a few days of my time to go after this (it is clear that I cannot solve it by phone). The lady I talked to explained me that much

So, anyone who wrestled with nezeq, please tell your experiences


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