On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 10:51:08AM +0300, Marc A. Volovic wrote:

> Since Guy is looking at using their hardware as a generic Linux
> worksomething, not what you wanted to with it, Geoff, I think you're being
> overharsh.

> Again - for most of everything you need no drivers (excpet, maybe, their
> graphics chip - and it will work in generic vesa mode).

Work it will. Quickly is another story. In generic vesa mode, there is no
hardware acceleration which slows down the graphics. Since X-Windows is all
graphics at the display level, it matters. 

I don't have any benchmarks to justify this, anyone else know of a site 
that does? Please post them positive or negative.

My point is that if he is buying an underpowered system because it is small
and trying to make it look like a "winner" to the great unlinuxed, he
does not want something that will stick with a specific Kernel or
X-Windows release or suffer horrible performance. 

I can see it now, "ignore the slow mouse movment and choppy video, you
really can watch your DVDs on it", while the audience is looking out
the windows, at their watches, etc.

> As for the "dead rat" comment above - come now, Geoff - you seriously think
> the best Linux distro there is merits such a comment.

That's a matter of opinion. Those of us who grew up with their "a release
every six months to keep the stock prices up" policy were burnt too many
times to call it the "best Linux distro".

Not to start a distro war, but IMHO that epithet belongs to SUSE at the moment,
with UBUNTU quickly on its way up.


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