On 15/01/07, Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  - If your camera store orientation info in the photo (mine do), you can
>    autorotate as many photos as you like in one operation (each would be
>    adjusted to its correct orientation). BTW, even if you don't touch
>    photos themselves (e.g: they are on a cdrom), they are still
>    by default with correct orientation (of course you can manually
>    them as F-Spot does).

Nice, but not a deal-maker for me.

It's almost a life saver for me - until I found this option (or it was
added? or until I bought a camera which provides this info? can't remember)
I had to manually rotate the photos. BTW - there are command-line tools to
do that too in case someone is wondering.

 - Tons of plugins to have all the quick and dirty ops (red-eye-reduction,
>    etc.) at your fingertips. Of course running any program like gimp,
>    F-Spot, etc is just a right click away as in F-Spot.

Nice, but not a deal-maker for me.

>  - You can view by Folders, Tags, Dates like in F-Spot, but when you
>    your searches are saved as virtual folders. BTW, there is quick
>    (by metadata strings) and advanced search when you can combine
>    conditions on metadata, date-ranges and albums.

Tell me, how an I get an integrated user interface like in F-Spot? One
window, in which the browse vieew is replaced by a photo that is
[(double)?] clicked?

I couldn't find how to customize the mouse but F3 will view the current
image in the current window, and ALT-Right/ALT-Left will move the "current
image" forward and backward. This is with  0.9.0-beta3 (Debian Etch).

 - Unlike F-Spot, you have more control on your display. E.g: I always
>    the tag names on my thumbnails (but you may choose not to do it...)

I don't want anything there other than pics!

As said - you can control to have that too.

 - Many more export options, most implemented as plugins of course
>    mpeg movie, Gallery, local html gallery).

Don't need it. I publish photos using my own php scripts.

Let me guess - maybe because F-spot didn't provide this for you? Maybe you
can do this with F-Spot too but with Digikam you can integrate your scripts
as Kipi plugins so you can control the interactivelly through the Digikam
interface (and make the useful to others so you can benefit from the

 - Support for a lot more metadata items (e.g: import GPS data).

Can I search by Camera model? That is important to me.

I'd expect you can. I'm pretty sure you can search on anything in the EXIF

Ok, that's enough. I hope I didn't start a new application war.
> My post was directed to people who didn't know digikam and may
> think there is only one good player in the field.

No war, but no hudna either. I'm willing to switch, but I'd like to
know that Digikam meets my needs. Also, in what format does it store

Then just install it and start playing.

the tags? I'll need to import over 200 different tags on over 8000

It uses Sqlite and I think the schema is documented so you can do whatever
you like with the database.

pictures. I don't mind doing it with sqlite, but I need to know that
it can be done. The tags are in utf-8 Hebrew.

Haven't tried Hebrew tags but maybe there were issues with UTF-8. Try
digging the digikam users mailing list archives.

Anyone who knows both programs (or others) has probably already made
> their own choice based on their personal taste.

On taste and smell I won't arguee with you, but although I've tried
Digikam I found that it won't perform as I like. Or can it? (as I have

Try 0.9 if you can. There are many improvements in it over 0.8.


Dotan Cohen

Good luck.


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