Hasn't tinyDNS been used for super-large installations?

On Feb 8, 2008 4:31 PM, Oren Held <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe you should read about Dynamic DNS: it's a protocol extension (bind & MS
> DNS support it for years).
> When enabled, bind actually uses journal (.jnl) files for each zone, and
> synchronises the text files only when requested to (i.e. when doing service
> named stop). In this mode you shouldn't edit the text files manually when
> bind is alive!
> Dynamic DNS lets you make changes live, forgetting that these text files
> exist. It's simply a protocol extension which allows sending updates (i.e.
> add this record, remove that, etc).
> 'nsupdate' is bind's not-too-friendly tool for doing these updates,
> Perl's Net::DNS allows you to write your customised stuff. I once wrote
> http://hostupd.sf.net to ease this task, although keep in mind it's not
> maintained anymore.
> I don't see why you dislike text files so much. This simplicity has many
> advantages. As I see it, the big disadvantages of dns-zones-as-text-files are
> in the EDITING process (multiple edits at once, locking, mistakes which ruin
> the whole zone). These disadvantages are solved by using Dynamic DNS. As for
> storage in text files, sounds cool to me, even for big zones.
> "Peace Sabbath",
>  - Oren
> On Thursday, 7 February 2008 14:51:06 David L. Smith wrote:
> > Does anybody know how one goes about managing a DNS server with tens or
> > hundreds of thousands of addresses ?
> >
> > >From searching around I get the impression that everybody re-invents the
> >
> > wheel for themselves, and either manually edit text files, or
> > dynamically generate them. All solutions based on more scalable
> > technologies than textfiles seem to be either immature (eg bind-dlz),
> > limited in features(long list) or not widely used.
> >
> > It seems unimaginable that a technology so established and widespread
> > would be lacking what I would see as a sensible scalable implementation.
> > Am I missing something ?
> >
> > David
> >
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