2008/6/30 sara fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> My first advice is to lie about the OS. Sadly that's the case.  Or tell them
> you have  another pc with windows and  you have the same problem.

They will ask you to click on all sorts of things as the idiot with
the checklist checks things off. This route leads to them knowing that
we lied!

> 2nd advice, tell them that you checked at a neigbour and everything is ok.
> See their reaction on that.

You are talking to people reading from a card. That contingency is not
on the card it means nothing.

> 3. Business account, threaten them. You lose money. Assertive, that's the
> name of the game.


> For the technical problems, try the following things:
> 1. reduce mtu to 1400-1450. That's what I was adviced from an expert.
> 2.  When you ping change the size of the packet gradually. the default for
> ping on linux is 64 bytes. Try to increase it. I bet you will have more
> packet loss as you increase.
> 3. Install the program mtr and see exactly where the packet loss occurs.
> http://www.bitwizard.nl/mtr/

No, they will tell you that their routers dropping mtr packets is
normal. Look at this:
I get that when I cannot browse to google.com and slashdot.org. And
they tell me that is normal. So the situation is that both Google.com
and slashdot.org go down at the same time, but no one else on the
internet notices, and that at the same time that their router dropping
normal mtr packets.

> Once you pinpoint where the problem is, you can go to complain. Not sure it
> will help. I have the same saga with hot. ;-( Hot are even worse, because
> they don't want to admit.

I am with Hot via Bezeq.

> If they say configure the router, ask them what parameters you should
> reconfigure.  If they don't know, ask a superior person.

Ha! They will say that they don't support routers. They want people to
connect directly from a Windows computer.

> The packet loss is outside the country or in Israel?

For me at least, Israeli sites work fine with the exception of the
Technion websites.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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