2008/7/4 sara fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Technion web site doesn't support ping not in and not out. So don't be
> surprised if you get the ???.

No, but it supports http traffic and that often goes very slow.
Amazingly, it does so at the same time as Slashdot and Google. And no
one else on the interwebs noticed except me.

> Try a ftp transfer from technion and see the speed.

The problem is intermittent.

> About the router, try the same thing without router. If the problem
> persists, you can tell them.

I cannot connect with Linux without a router because their 'dialer'
only runs on Windows.

> For
> http://dotancohen.com/images/examples/bezeq.html
>  I can't see anything written. It's 1k. I saw the images from the examples
> directory.
> I saw similar patterns with bezeqint in my neighborhood.

So, the mtr results are normal, or we both are getting bad service?

> Only a couple of the support people know what is mtr. From all my talks with
> support at 012, only 1 knew about mtr.  You need to reach to higher levels
> of support.  At 012 it's called network department. They support if you have
> few pc at home. Their level is higher than others who read from the page.

In Hebrew would that be "מחלקת הרשת"?

> My brother has windows, when he had problems with internet, they had the
> famous sentence "Something on your pc is blocking. go to restore. If that
> doesn't help, format the hd." And you know what else, they told him to use
> the microsoft built in firewall, nothing else.
> Here are some dns lists of all isp in israel
> http://www.petri.co.il/dns_ip_addresses_for_israeli_isps_he.htm
> try this also https://www.opendns.com/start

I had considered opendns. Is it recommended? Was Israeli DNS _is_
recommended? Thanks.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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