2008/7/30 Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'd say they should stop using it. If somebody has a dog that bites
> everybody who wears black or green, the solution is not everybody wearing
> orange and blue, the solution is to train the dog to behave properly or stop
> visiting them at all. If somebody uses RBL that has a cowboy attitude of
> "block first, think maybe later" then they need as much education by their
> users as ISPs do - up to stopping using their services and saying they are
> just harmful.
> During the years I've encountered my share of overzealous and irresponsible
> RBL maintainers, and sometimes the best way to deal with them is just not
> using them and saying others to not use them, period.

This dog is not biting those who wear black or green. This dog is
biting ISP's who let their users send spam.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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