2008/10/31 Omer Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I'd like to write to them too. But the contact form here:
>> http://www.bezeqint.net/contactus.html
>> Requires one to enter the I.D Number which I'm reluctant to do.
> You can try to enter all-zeroes ID number.
> I did this in another Web site (I don't remember which), in which the ID
> number was obviously irrelevant to my query.
> I routinely employ similar tactics when a Web site demands my phone
> number (I have only a FAX number).
>                                               --- Omer

The problem with Bezeq is that they need the ID number to assign the
ticket. Bezeq is a large, old organization and they 'think' that they
have accounts for every citizen of Israel.

If you do not put a valid ID number, the message does not get to the
people who can do something about it. The pakida (whatis the word?)
does not care about Fireflux or Linukz or Web Slanders. She sees that
the message is not valid and hits the delete key.

Dotan Cohen



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