On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Udi Finkelstein <linux...@udif.com> wrote:
> 5 Minutes ago I saw perhaps the most blatant example of the sad state of
> Israeli government websites:
> http://gemelnet.mof.gov.il/Tsuot/UI/DafMakdim.aspx
> Now, when you press one of the links, what URL are you referred to?
> vbscript:ow(1,500,670)
> I don't think I need to say anything more.
> Udi

That is unbelievable. How does something like that even get written?
Can that even be called a website? Is serving a pseudo-HTML page over
port 80 all that it takes to call a page a webpage?

Dotan Cohen


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