If a fresh install is an option - it's probably the best one,
(depending on the extra work it may present ). (imo)  .

If I must clone, I'd use clonezilla, and have used it extensively, for
the most part, I've had good results for both personal or production

As for dd - unless you've had experience cloning drives with it, I'd
do some practice runs on other hardware, before taking a shot with the
critical one.

Good luck :)


On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 1:14 AM Geoffrey Mendelson
<geoffreymendel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried clonzilla to move an lvm partitioned disk to a new one. it used 
> various forms of dd copying.
> The copy went sucessfully, but it did not boot. Fsck failed with hundreds if 
> not thousands of bad files, duplicate inodes, etc.
> In the end I just did a fresh install from the original distribution with no 
> updates and no lvm, It booted properly, I rebooted from the install media, 
> and then I copied using rsync all of the files off the old drive onto the 
> new. i ran grub just to be sure.
> Worked fine.
> Geoff
> Jerusalem, Israel
> On May 1, 2019, 7:30 AM +0300, Shlomo Solomon <shlomo.solo...@gmail.com>, 
> wrote:
> The subject says it all. But a few more details. My 1Tb drive is
> about to die and I'm moving to a new 3Tb drive. The drive
> (/dev/sda) includes 5 partitions - / , /home , /boot/efi , /data ,
> swap. Most of the bad blocks seem to be in the /data partition.
> Needless to say, I have good backups of everything on an external
> drive.
> There are many ways to do this and I'm not looking for instructions,
> but "opinions" about what would be most efficient. I've considered a
> few options - but each seem to have advantages and dis-advantages:
> 1 - A fresh install and then update configurations and copy whatever
> else I need from the old drive or from my backup drive. (Advantage - get
> rid of old junk, Dis-advantage - seems like a lot of work)
> 2 - dd - and then, of course enlarge the partitions and/or add new
> partitions to use the added 2Tb. (Advantage - safe, Dis-advantage -
> there are many bad blocks on the old drive so ...)
> 3 - ddrescue (Advantage - may be better at handling the bad
> blocks, Dis-advantage - how safe is this?)
> 4 - Clonezilla (I never used this so I don't know)
> I'm assuming that after solutions #2, #3 and #4 I would only need
> to switch the sda cable so the new drive would become /dev/sda and
> of course edit fstab to correct all the UUID= lines.
> I'd like to hear opinions about which of these solutions (or any other
> solution) is best.
> --
> Shlomo Solomon
> http://the-solomons.net
> Claws Mail 3.16.0 - Kubuntu 18.04
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