Using /etc/sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d, it is possible to limit the
operations that an user can do as a superuser.

It is even possible to configure some operations as ones not requiring
him to enter his password.

See 'man 5 sudoers'.

On Tue, 2019-06-18 at 09:23 +0300, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> This has bothered me for years and I decided to "get it off my
> chest".
> For many years I used su to do administrative tasks, but "everyone"
> uses sudo and the claim is that it's more secure than actually
> logging
> in as root. 
> In principal, of course, root login is not a good thing, but let's
> remember something I've never seen discussed. I would assume that on
> most systems the root password is MUCH more secure than that of a
> regular user. Now if I give user david sudo privileges, anyone who
> cracks david's (weak) password now has access to root privileges. 
> And before anyone says that this is only a one-time authorization,
> what
> if the guy who cracked david's password now does:
>        sudo passwd root
> So what's so secure about using sudo?   

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