You cannot dd, as that goes through the PC controller that, likely, cannot read the disks.

CPM is an operating system that was ported to many very different platforms, and those did not maintain compatible disk formats on the very lowest levels.

There are devices today, as part of the retro computing movement, that can read, pretty much, anything. I don't have any relevant links, but I know of a collector who might be able to help you out. Contact me off-list and I'll see if I can connect you.


On 23/12/2021 04:56, Steve Litt wrote:
Hi all,

Anyone have any ideas how to read (and obviously back up) my CPM 5.25
diskettes left over from my Kaypro 2x CPM machine used 1984-1987?
Somewhere I have a normal IBM PC compatible 5.25 drive, but CPM
floppies had different formatting, I think both in software and in the
iron oxide.

I'm thinking if I can ddrescue these things to a file, and loop-mount
them using some sort of CPM format (didn't the mount command used to be
able to do that?), maybe I could get the info into a file
representation instead of a drive representation.



Steve Litt 
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist

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