On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 12:33:56PM +0200, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> I need to do a presentation (transparencies etc) due Friday. Of course,
> I'd like very much to use LyX.
> First I'd like to hear comments, tips and maybe even have example
> presentations done with LyX.

I've recently created a presentation using pdfscreen and TeXPower.
The result PDF file is viewed using Acrobat reader in full screen mode,
and the result is like a powerpoint presentation
(i.e. I didn't create transparencies).

I've put a small example at
It contains slightly modified version of pdfscreen.sty, and a pdfscreen.layout
file. Note that the file can only be processed with pdflatex, so either use
lyx 1.1.6cvs/1.1.6pre*, or manually export to latex and run pdflatex.

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