I have found that endnote is very bad at generating decent citation keys which bibtex likes. In the example you give, the entire author field is used in the key, including spaces, commas and other things that bibtex doesn't like and there is no way to just use part of the author (or other fields).
You can either make keys based on fields which aren't likely to contain spaces, comas, etc. (such as year, page no. etc) or you can use another program to generate decent keys.
I believe there are some simple scripts available to do this but you may also want to check out a reference manager called sixpack. This can import endnote references, generate sensible citation keys and even insert them directly into lyx.
I haven't tried it under windows but it should work as long as you have pearl/tk. Take a look at http://www.santafe.edu/~dirk/sixpack/
Hope this helps!


Guanglei Cui wrote:


I'm trying to create a BibTex database (bib) file with Endnote. The BibTex style isn't exactly what I like, so I change the key to "Author:Year". However, Lyx, when importing such bib files, has trouble recognizing the entries. For example, the first entry has a key like this:

Abarbanel R. M. and Cohen F. E. and Kuntz I. D.:1987

But when I insert citations, this is the only "available" to select and the key is not properly displayed. Can anyone explain why and what is the best way to create bib files automatically? Thanks in advance.



Gareth Jenkins
Imperial College London
Web: www.achem.ic.ac.uk/

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