Sorry for missing all this discussion, you all see to understand the
problem correctly, so it's back to me to try the suggested fix...

So for simplicity I just tried disabling *all* extensions on the wiki
in one go, and I'm seeing exactly the same behavior as described
before, so I don't think it's anything to do with any of my installed

With regard to the comment that "this problem seems to be a matter of
semantics", it was just my bad choice of example page. The page I used
as a demonstration uses lots of fancy forms, tabs and queries, but the
same problem occurs on any other page, including the Main Page (but
not the special pages).

I'm thinking that it could be an issue with apache redirect configuration?

For reference, here is my LocalSettings and AdditionalSettings files:


On 20 April 2011 15:22, Kilian <> wrote:
> On 04/20/2011 04:12 PM, Sullivan, James (NIH/CIT) [C] wrote:
>> The "All pages" special page shows just one of the pages: BioWiki,
>> which was indicated as the true page name in the original post.
>> Just a guess but there are a lot of extensions installed.  I agree
>> with the earlier person who suggested deactivating the extensions one
>> at a time and seeing if the behavior disappears.  And since Semantic
>> extensions are installed and this problem seems to be a matter of
>> semantics, I would start with those extensions.
> I agree. MediaWiki's normal behavior would be to respond with empty
> pages on requests with incorrect capitalizations of the title. (Except,
> of course, when only the first letter is incorrectly cased.) (Earlier I
> was under the wrong impression MediaWiki had some sort of built-in
> auto-redirect in such cases, which explains my earlier confused posts.)
> It must be an extension that changes this behavior. (And does so kind of
> poorly, because the capitalization is not corrected in the displayed
> title, and does not cause links with incorrect capitalizations, such as
> [[Talk:Biowiki]], to be displayed in blue.)
> - Kilian
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