On 25 April 2011 15:24, Sullivan, James (NIH/CIT) [C]
<sulli...@mail.nih.gov> wrote:

> I agree.  If you disabled all extensions (make sure you also changed back any 
> Mediawiki files
> you may have modified due to a requirement of an extension), then its not a 
> Mediawiki problem
> and most likely an Apache configuration issue.  You also might want to 
> install a fresh Mediawiki
> instance so you can see if you get this behavior "out of the box" with 
> Mediawiki.  If you do then
> that also points to Apache.  I'm not an Apache expert though, so have no idea 
> what type of
> Apache configuration might cause this.

What?  How is this in any way an Apache issue?  Apache tells MediaWiki
the correct title, and MediaWiki somehow decides to respond with the
title being a-okay.

If it was an Apache issue, then why does MediaWiki think that the page
title is BIOWIKI here[1]?  It even takes the effort of linking to a
talk page that does not exist and colours the link red as it should.
Or does MediaWiki use LOWER() in its SQL, but use the $_GET['title']
for its links, rather than using the {{PAGENAME}} given by the table?

Also, you appear to have your version installed via subversion,[2] I
am certain r86390 is that different from the MediaWiki 1.16.4
available on mw.org (which does not have this bug).

[1] http://www.bioinformatics.org/wiki/BIOWIKI
[2] http://www.bioinformatics.org/wiki/Special:Version

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