And of course the largest such refactor in this vein is, although
this one was considered sufficiently different as to be moved to a separate
database (which I think is slightly unfortunate).

On Tue, Jan 9, 2024 at 10:17 PM Mario Carneiro <> wrote:

> IMO this is definitely worthwhile, especially since it moves an axiom from
> used almost everywhere to used almost nowhere. We have previously done
> refactors of that kind for ax-groth, ax-ac2, ax-reg, ax-rep and I think we
> have a better understanding of the true dependencies of many theorems as a
> result.
> On Tue, Jan 9, 2024 at 9:30 PM Gino Giotto <>
> wrote:
>> I believe the question now is whether there is a general consensus for
>> eventually bringing towards this direction. Is low usage of ax-13
>> at the cost of more than 100 additional lemmas what we wish for? Or maybe
>> you would like to follow different paths and pursue different achievements?
>> Looking forward to hear your thoughts.
>> Il giorno mercoledì 3 gennaio 2024 alle 02:02:21 UTC+1 Benoit ha scritto:
>>> Thanks Gino, I'm going to have a look.  In addition to my post on the
>>> discussion group that you mention, I also began to do in my mathbox what
>>> you described, i.e., adding enough DV conditions to the technical lemmas so
>>> as to later remove some ax-13 usages, but less systematically.  Some
>>> theorems made it to the main sections, but most remain in my mathbox, in
>>> the section "  Removing dependencies on ax-13 (and ax-11)", which
>>> also has a section head comment to explain the principles. The plan was to
>>> move to Main only the ones that had the greatest benefits, but since there
>>> was no clear criterion, this kind of stalled.
>>> Benoît
>>> On Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 12:52:10 AM UTC+1 wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 6:43 PM Jim Kingdon <> wrote:
>>>>> One (historical?) note: some of what we have now is the result of
>>>>> experimentation in the opposite direction - trying to figure out whether a
>>>>> logical system can be built without distinct variable constraints at all 
>>>>> (I
>>>>> think there is some reference to this in some comments or web pages). I
>>>>> think the verdict was that it was possible but so cumbersome as to be
>>>>> impractical (because all the distinctor antecedents need to be carried
>>>>> along until the point where that variable is no longer in use, I think).
>>>>> But perhaps I'm not summarizing that quite right - like I say this isn't a
>>>>> topic I've been hugely engaged with.
>>>> No it's worse than that: even after the variable is done being used you
>>>> still can't discharge the distinctor, it permanently sticks around.
>>>> Effectively all proofs end up saying "provided there are at least N
>>>> variables in the metalogic, the following theorem holds" because you
>>>> actually can't prove anything about whether variables exist in this
>>>> setting. This admits models where e.g. the object logic only has three
>>>> variables v0 v1 v2 and so you can't write any expression containing four or
>>>> more forall or exists quantifiers without being degenerate in some way, so
>>>> the undischargeable assumptions that pile up are saying that the object
>>>> logic is at least nondegenerate enough to perform the proof in question.
>>>>> On 1/1/24 13:38, Gino Giotto wrote:
>>>>> In the last few days, I've been working on reducing the usage of
>>>>> ax-13, aiming at getting the highest result with the minimum amount of
>>>>> changes. The results of my findings are committed in my repository branch
>>>>>, which is
>>>>> based on a version of dating back to December 13, 2023.
>>>>> This research was primarily motivated by curiosity. I read this email
>>>>> from Benoit
>>>>> He
>>>>> described how most theorems use technical lemmas with dummy variables and 
>>>>> I
>>>>> became interested in checking the real extent of this. The good news is
>>>>> that ax-13 can be erased almost everywhere. The bad news is that I needed
>>>>> 129 lemmas to accomplish this task, which is higher than the final
>>>>> estimates provided in that conversation (100 seemed to be the upper 
>>>>> bound).
>>>>> The approach I pursued goes as follows: Starting from
>>>>>, I proved all theorems in
>>>>> the ax-13 section by adding the necessary dv conditions. Then I continued
>>>>> to the "Uniqueness and unique existence" section and the first few set
>>>>> theory sections until usage of proofs with dummy variables became
>>>>> prevalent. Distinguishing between the theorems that require additional dv
>>>>> conditions from those that don't isn't straightforward, so at first I
>>>>> simply proved them all and later I pruned away those that didn't
>>>>> necessitate additional dv conditions.
>>>>> This process resulted in more than 300 additional lemmas, which I
>>>>> later pruned again by eliminating unused and already existing ones. This
>>>>> job ultimately reduced the number to 129 additional lemmas, which I 
>>>>> believe
>>>>> cannot be lowered further unless proof lenghtenings are introduced.
>>>>> In the meantime, I conducted multiple minimization sessions with the
>>>>> new lemmas using the /MAY_GROW option. This option allows to replace steps
>>>>> even when the proof length increases. In most of my minimizations, the
>>>>> overall proof shape and length remained unchanged as I replaced theorems
>>>>> with identical versions with more dv conditions.
>>>>> All and only my 129 additional lemmas have a *(Contributed by Gino
>>>>> Giotto, 30-Dec-2023.) *tag, so this information can be used to
>>>>> distinguish them from the other theorems in the database.
>>>>> I adopted the naming convention of adding a *w suffix to the original
>>>>> theorem names. The reason I did not use a *v suffix is because it would
>>>>> have resulted in 17 naming collisions. Since all the pre-exisiting 
>>>>> versions
>>>>> have more dv conditions than mine, they would have to be renamed with *vv,
>>>>> which would have increased the amount of changes in the commit. Also I
>>>>> believe it makes sense to name them as *w since they all originated from
>>>>> ax13w (even tho after shortening their proofs they don't use ax13w
>>>>> anymore). So in the end, by using a *w suffix, no naming collision was
>>>>> generated.
>>>>> But enough rambling, let's get to the numbers:
>>>>> As of commit
>>>>>  dating
>>>>> back to December 13, 2023, ax-13 was used by 32,347 out of 41,652 
>>>>> theorems,
>>>>> covering 77.66% of the entire database. As of January 1, 2024, this
>>>>> percentage is at 77.64%, so it hasn't changed much since then.
>>>>> In my branch,
>>>>> thanks to the lemmas I added and the minimizations I performed, ax-13 is
>>>>> used by only 819 theorems out of 41,781, which is just 1.96% of the entire
>>>>> database. If we exclude OLD/ALT versions then the number of theorems that
>>>>> use ax-13 goes down to around 700. The majority of these remaining 
>>>>> theorems
>>>>> are found in the ax-13 section, in the "Alternate definition of
>>>>> substitution" section, and within mathboxes. Many of those 700 theorems
>>>>> could drop ax-13 by adding dv conditions directly to them, but I believe
>>>>> that would be considered cheating (I only did this for 2 or 3 theorems
>>>>> where adding a new version didn't seem worth it, also they didn't affect
>>>>> the dv conditions of later theorems).
>>>>> It's possible to check these numbers with *metamath-knife
>>>>> <> --stmt-use use.txt ax-13 *which shows what theorems
>>>>> in use ax-13. A comparison between axiom usage of my branch
>>>>> and the base
>>>>> branch
>>>>>  shows
>>>>> the result of my minimizations. The command metamath-knife -X
>>>>> ax.txt can be used to check that other axioms haven't been added,
>>>>> however it's better to find a way to ignore ax-13 for this, otherwise
>>>>> you're going to be overwhelmed by the amount of changes from it. So far
>>>>> I've not yet seen axioms that have been mistakenly introduced (on the
>>>>> contrary there are a few theorems with a reduced usage of ax-10, ax-11 and
>>>>> ax-12).
>>>>> Unfortunately, despite my efforts to make as few changes as possible,
>>>>> the commit on my branch6fc6153
>>>>> <>still
>>>>> looks huge, with about 48,000 changed lines. Most of these changed lines
>>>>> are the result of the minimization process and rewrapping (the proof
>>>>> changes themselves are often very minor, in reality it's the rewrapping 
>>>>> the
>>>>> skews everything). I didn't find ways to lower this number down without
>>>>> tradeoffs.
>>>>> This result (aka the mentioned branch in my fork) can be used in
>>>>> different ways, one could use it as a simple consultation for future axiom
>>>>> minimizations, or maybe it can be converted into a proper PR series. The
>>>>> latter would require some non-trivial work of systematization, so probably
>>>>> it would be better to discuss about it first.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Gino
>>>>> --
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