
On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 08:27:45AM -0700, andrew fabbro wrote:
> You're running on KVM, which probably means you're using virtio.  Have you
> set the 0x2 flag on the vio driver?
> I experienced hangs on my KVM-hosted OpenBSD VMs until I read the vio(4)
> man page:
> http://man.openbsd.org/vio.4
> "The *vio* driver provides support for the virtio(4)
> <http://man.openbsd.org/virtio.4> network interface provided by bhyve, KVM,
> QEMU, and VirtualBox.
> Setting the bit 0x2 in the flags disables the RingEventIndex feature. This
> can be tried as a workaround for possible bugs in host implementations of
> *vio* at the cost of slightly reduced performance."
> An example of how to do this:
> http://blather.michaelwlucas.com/archives/2083

This is very good to know.

However, I don't think this is what I am experiencing. When I started
having problems I switched the VM into "legacy mode". Once I did this,
vio0 became em0, and the problem persisted.

I don't think the issue it network related. The VGA console is not
responsive to key-presses at the login prompt.


Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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