On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Tubbs, Derric L wrote:

> I've been trying to use the "file" input field to upload some files and I'm
> having no luck at all.  I first tried using Apache::Request with no luck and
> the error message "Can't call method "filename" without a package or object
> reference at ..." but I had in fact done a $args = Apache::Request->new($r)
> and $file = Apache::Request->upload.
> Then, just because I only found upload examples using it, I tried CGI.pm (I
> don't use this anywhere else on my site).  Now all I get is "Malformed
> multipart POST" messages in my error_log.
> I've tried using IE 4, NS 4.05 under windows and NS 4.04 under Solaris.  My
> config is Solaris 2.6 with Apache 1.3.6, Perl 5.004_04, Apache::Request 0.31
> and CGI.pm 2.54.  I've pared down the form to the minimum with just a form
> with one input field.  Also, I get the malformed message simply by doing $q
> = new CGI, it doesn't matter if I try to do anything with it or not.  Any
> help would greatly appreciated.

is your form "enctype" set to "multipart/form-data"?


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