On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Per 'stripe' Moeller wrote:

> Hi,
> I have created a highly configurable content management system in modperl to
> build websites, which consists of several modules, some preload when apache
> initiates, some when a request initiates and some when needed.
> I had the opportunity to test the system with 2000 lan connected users to do
> some performance checking, and found out that for each request the server
> received, the child process which handled the request used a little more
> memory each time. In this test I had around 500.000 hits pr day, and
> apache/modperl used up all the 1Gb of memory the server had in a very short
> time. I checked and rechecked my code and could not find any kind of memory
> leak in it, so finally I had to configure the Apache to kill child processes
> after answering 100 requests, otherwise they would consume too much memory.
> Have anybody else experienced this kind of problem?

Lots of people. Memory leaks are very easy to introduce, and very hard to
find. The most likely causes are closures, circular references, and bad
modules. Not necessarily in that order :-)

> Another problem I encountered... when doing HTTP upload's, apache/modperl
> uses 7-8 times the size of the uploaded file, of memory. If I uploaded a
> 10Mb file, the server would typically use up to 170Mb for the child
> answering the request, and the child would not free all the memory used when
> the request had been handled. Can this really be true?

Yes its true. Try the latest Apache::Request test release - it should fix
this problem.


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