At 15:50 15/03/2001 -0300, Jason Leidigh wrote: 
>I was able to clean up a number of errors which seemed as 
>though they were indeed causing leaks.  For example:
>$regex = qr'xx?'i;
>Causes the following error:
>(?i-xsm:xx?) can't `Regexp::DESTROY'

AUTOLOADs will catch DESTROYs, the latter being called on every object
destruction (I never noticed that they were called on regexen, that's
nice). Chances are, unless you clearly see a memory leak with DESTROYs
(which are expected not to be found most of the time) then your AUTOLOAD
should probably explicitly ignore them.

Another solution is:

sub Regexp::DESTROY {}
sub Apache::DESTROY {}

-- robin b.
"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not
the reason we are doing it." -- R. Feynman

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